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Gate Entry for Residents and Tenants

Getting a Bar Code


Rosedale is a gated community, with two 24/7 manned gatehouses at State Route 70 and 44th Avenue East. All residents, vendors and guests must successfully pass through a security gate to gain access to the neighborhood.


Rosedale homeowners and long-term renters (one year or longer) may obtain a barcode decal to mount on the left rear window of their vehicle. This barcode can be scanned automatically to let them drive through right lane of either security gate without the need to stop and identify themselves to the gate



Keys to the pedestrian gate at the Malachite entrance are available to homeowners at the RPM office with a $100 key deposit and completion of the Rosedale Homeowners Malachite Pedestrian Access Gate Key Request Form (click here for the form.)



Obtaining Your Vehicle Barcode


In order to obtain a barcode decal, you must be registered as a resident. New homeowners must provide a copy of their Warranty Deed to the front gate attendant if it has not already been sent to Resource Property Management (RPM), and then be registered in the DwellingLive system as a resident before a barcode will be issued.


Residents who rent their property must supply a properly filled out and signed lease, preferably 30 days in advance, to RPM. To prevent unauthorized access, if a renter shows up at the gate with an unsigned lease or without being registered as a tenant, the property owner will be called to authorize access as a temporary guest and be informed that a properly prepared lease must be supplied to RPM for approval. If the property owner cannot be contacted, the person will be denied access. Barcodes will only be issued only to a tenant with a lease for one year or more


Follow this process to obtain a barcode decal.


  1. Barcodes will be issued by the gate attendant site supervisor at the SR 70 guest lane on Sunday, between 7:00 am and 3:00 p.m.

  2. Just show up at the front gate using the guest lane between 7am and 3pm.

  3. You must bring your completed barcode application with you or you will not be issued a barcode. click here for the fill-able form. You can also pick up a form at the SR 70 gatehouse in advance.

  4. Remain in your vehicle and a barcode will be affixed. New barcodes will not be activated until the following day.


If your license plate number has changed, you must notify the gate or the access committee ( to update the plate number in DwellingLive. The system will still recognize your car by the barcode. Residents with an out of date license plate on their vehicle will have their barcodes suspended until the plates are updated. You will have to enter through the guest lane.


There is no charge to residents for this barcode. Long-term renters of one year or more may get a barcode at a cost of $10. All payments must be made in the form of check or money order made out to Rosedale Master Homeowners Association - cash or credit card will not be accepted.


If a Rosedale resident has a barcode on their vehicle from another community, to avoid possible duplication with an existing barcode, you must use obtain a new barcode using the same procedure as a new resident.





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