Rosedale Community Compliance Process
The Rosedale community compliance process is designed to assure a well-maintained, harmonious community. The framework for the effort is the documents that govern the community.
The Compliance Process
The compliance mechanism has these components:
Governing documents of the community
A process for reviewing the community to identify non-compliance, with a non-compliance notice / correction process
An enforcement mechanism, including the imposition of fines or corrective measures
The governing documents of the community include:
Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
Bylaws, and
Any other applicable rules and regulations adopted by the RMHAO Board
The compliance process involves:
Helping residents recognize the community requirements they have agreed to abide by, as contained in the community’s governing documents
Identifying violations of the community’s governing documents
Notifying residents of non-complying situations
Addressing non-compliance, with an emphasis on voluntary compliance
Notifying residents of the fines or corrective measures to be recommended for uncorrected compliance situations
Referring recommended fines or corrective measures to the Master HOA board for application
Ongoing review of identified non-compliance situations
The enforcement mechanism involves:
A schedule of fines or corrective measures, based on the authority granted by the community’s governing documents
A process for applying fines or corrective measures
An appeal process
A collection process
Reporting of Non-Compliance Issues
Possible non-compliance issues can be raised in the following ways:
A resident complaint
A Neighborhood Review, or
A Compliance Review Committee (CRC) action
Any resident who has a concern about a possible non-compliance issue should document the concern using the Compliance Violation form click here. Complete the form and either:
Email it to Resource Property Management (
Drop off the form at the Resource Property Management offices (2025 Lakewood Ranch Blvd. #203
Bradenton, FL 34211), or -
Email it to a member of the CRC (
The information provided should include a specific description of the possible non-compliance issue, the address of the property and the name of the property’s owner (if known). The CRC will NOT respond to anonymous reports, so please include your own name and contact information so that the CRC can address the matter.
Unresolved Non-Compliance Issues
The primary role of the CRC is to assist Rosedale homeowners in understanding the compliance aspects of Rosedale’s Governing Documents, primarily its CC&Rs, and to advise residents on the steps necessary to maintain compliance with the CC&Rs. The CRC provides reports to the Rosedale Master HOA Board on non-compliance issues that remain unresolved, including recommendations on actions to be taken.
The CRC is charged with determining the legitimacy of a violation report and identifying the appropriate steps necessary to address and resolve non-compliance issues. The CRC will utilize information it gathers from its members’ neighborhood reviews and reports received from affected homeowners, legal resources, and other appropriate sources.
The RMHA By-Laws (Article V – Powers & Duties of Board of Directors), RMHA CC&R’s (Article V - Building Restrictions and Maintenance Obligations and Article XII - General Provisions), along with Florida Statute 720.305 - (Obligations of members; remedies at law or in equity; levy of fines and suspension of use rights) provide the primary guidance for the process that the CRC will use to take action on any noncompliance issues that are not rectified.
No matter the source, the process from that point forward will be handled in a consistent manner.
The accompanying “Rosedale Compliance Process Flow Chart” outlines the Rosedale Compliance Process. click here