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Infrastructure Committee

Roads and Stormwater Management

Current Committee Chair

Tom Tangney




Roads - The Infrastructure Committee commissioned by the Board of Directors to advise the Rosedale Master Association (HOA) and their designated property manager (RPM) with the following:

  • Maintaining Rosedale's Roads, all of which are private

  • Maintaining/repairing the storm sewer inlets located on roadside curbs

  • Cleaning, refurbishing/repairing, and maintaining the community sidewalks, curbs, walls, pillars, fencing, gatehouse exteriors and entry monuments (includes repainting*)

  • Maintaining community and individual mailboxes**

  • Coordinating roads related activities with Manatee County where appropriate


* Color selections are made by a small advisory group consisting of volunteers from several committees and interested residents and are approved by the Master HOA Board.

** Residents should contact Resource Property Management (RPM) directly to report damaged mailboxes in need of repairs for the fastest response.


Stormwater Management - The Infrastructure Committee will advise the Rosedale Master Association (HOA) and their designated property manager (PM) regarding the proper functioning and maintenance of the storm water management system in Rosedale, including: stormwater ponds, wetlands, pipes and swales connecting the ponds and wetlands, functioning of the outflow and overflow structures into the wetlands and between the ponds, and the care of the conservation and wetland buffer areas.  The Committee will also advise the HOA regarding stormwater related elements of the Rosedale Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and the following Southwest Florida Watershed Management District (SWFWMD) permits

49.53 Revisions 1-13 Legacy

43.13971 Revisions 1 and 2 Highlands

43.33407 Revisions 1-5 Links

The Committee will coordinate with other HOA approved Rosedale committees on any issues or projects which may affect stormwater management.  The Committee will advise the HOA regarding storm drains and the pipes coming directly from the roads and emptying into the ponds or sump areas. The Committee will advise the HOA regarding outflow structures from the storm drains.  The Committee will advise the HOA on the budgeting and expenditure of funds related to proper maintenance and long-term care of the storm water infrastructure.  It may contact the Manatee County government and the SWFWMD as it relates to SWFWMD operational permits.  It may also seek out grants from local, state and federal agencies with HOA approval to support improvement and maintenance of the above stormwater elements.  When asked by the HOA, the Committee will also coordinate with Coral Hospitality (CH6) The Committee will refer to the Covenant Running With the Land of Rosedale, A Golf and Tennis Club Community Subdivision in its coordination with CH6. (




Roads - All roads were repaired and resurfaced in 2019 and are, generally, in good condition.  However, it is expected that a seal coat will need to be applied in all neighborhoods over the next 5 years. Potholes are addressed as needed.  Water table fluctuations have led to some small areas of road surface rippling that may need to be addressed pending a root cause analysis by external engineers.  There are approximately 35 v-grate sewer inlets in Rosedale that will be replaced with higher capacity open throated inlets during 2023 and 2024 to help minimize flooding during heavy rains.  Depressions also commonly occur around older sewer inlets and these are also addressed as needed.  Cleaning is done on an annual rotational basis meaning that there are different areas of focus each year.  Most exterior walls were cleaned and painted in 2022.  The focus in 2023 was cleaning and painting of the entry gatehouses, ironwork pillars and fencing, sign and mailbox posts and the remaining exterior walls not addressed in 2022.  In addition, sidewalks can heave and crack due to adjacent tree growth and curbs can get damaged when hit by vehicles (especially trucks).  A major sidewalk repair took place in 2019/2020 and will be readdressed along with major curb damage in 2023.  Minor chips and cracks to the Miami curbs (shallow V shaped curbs) are typically left as is.  Repair of sign damage due to hurricane Ian is pending back ordered materials.  Faded/chipped signs due to normal weathering are also selectively replaced on an annual rotational basis.  Finally, the large SR70 and 44th St entry monuments were refurbished in 2024.


Stormwater Management - The Committee will obtain proposals and recommend professional engineers, scientists and other professionals to the HOA for the following tasks.

  • Regular inspections of the ponds, pond water, pond banks, pipes and pond outfall structures

  • Maintenance of wetlands, wetland buffers and conservation areas.

  • Management of pond shorelines to prevent erosion and costly repairs.

  • Recommendations, professional opinions and advice on how best to approach needed areas of improvement, maintenance and repair.

  • Professional opinions on management, maintenance, and repair costs for input into a 5-Year Plan to be updated annually.

  • Preparation of scopes of work, solicitation of bids, recommendation on contractor selection, and construction observation of work.


The Committee shall utilize independent contractors, industry experts as approved by the HOA to develop any recommended improvement, maintenance and/or repair plan(s). 


The Committee shall not expend any funds unless specifically reviewed and authorized by the HOA. The Committee is solely an advisor to the HOA. 


The Committee will report verbally to the HOA at regular meetings and present its recommendations regarding the above Responsibilities. 



All committee members are appointed by the RMHA Board of Directors. Members will be recruited throughout the year by other committee members, Board members, and the committee chair.


Number of Committee Members

This committee will be organized around neighborhoods. Ideally, six or seven members each will be responsible for keeping an eye on their assigned roads, sidewalks, road signs, and mailboxes. When issues arise, the committee likely will confer and then propose remedial action (repair, fines, etc.).


Length of Service

Members of all committees are appointed for one-year terms but may serve longer.


Committee Chairs

The Board will appoint a chair as soon as practical after the organizational Board meeting that immediately follows the annual membership meeting. The chair then solicits members for the committee and presents them for Board approval at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Current members may be reappointed.


Funding the Committees

Working with the Board Treasurer, each year each committee recommends a budget for its planned activities. In the event of an emergency requiring additional funds, the RMHA Board president or vice president can approve the necessary funds.


Absent an emergency, if any committee proposes any expenditures, that proposal will be provided in writing to the property management company representative at least five days prior to the date of any regular meeting of the RMHA Board so that the proposal may be included in the management report delivered to the Board before its meeting. No funds are expended without the approval of the RMHA Board.


Relationship to the Board

The Infrastructure Committee, like all other committees, serves as an advisor to the Board; the committee chair reports to the Board member designated as its liaison. Committees make written recommendations to the Board, which may accept or reject them. The committee delivers a written report at regular Board meetings; the report is submitted to the Board for review at least five days before the appropriate Board meeting.


Nothing in the committee charters prevents the Board from exercising its statutory duty to maintain, repair or replace the common property of the Association as the Board deems necessary.


Relationship to Property Management Company

The RMHA Board Treasurer, serving as the Investment Management Committee chair, will work with both the property manager and property manager accountant on transfer of funds, preparation of budget and monthly financials. Each of the other committees will interact with the property management company through that committee’s Board liaison.


Committee Meeting Schedules

Because none of the committees has authority to spend money or undertake projects without Board approval, their meetings do not have to be posted. However, interested homeowners may contact the committee chair or the Board liaison to learn when its meetings will be held. Unless legal or personnel matters are to be discussed, homeowners may attend the meetings.

Planting on the Pond Littoral Shelf

To prevent further shoreline erosion of our ponds, minimize the cost of pond bank repair, and to be in compliance with our South Florida Water Management District (SWMD) permits, we are planting along the littoral shelves of our ponds (the narrow, shallow border of each pond) throughout the community. We have selected both Pickerelweed and Duck Potato which are both broadleaf flowering plants that can be viewed currently along the edges of these ponds along 51st Terrace.
Click here to view a presentation provided to us by our ecological consultants Passarella and Associates describing the need for and benefits of vegetation along the banks of our ponds. Here are a few key points from the presentation:


  • Plantings help filter runoff water containing oil, gas, pesticides, heavy metals, fertilizers, and bacteria that would otherwise enter the pond and cause algae blooms and harm to aquatic life.

  • Vegetation provides habitat for aquatic species and areas for nesting birds, as well as for birds seeking shelter and protective cover.

  • Shoreline plants produce oxygen as a by-product of their metabolism; this benefits the overall health of the pond.


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