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Rosedale Roads Committee

Sign Replacement Strategy



Background - An estimated 25 - 30 signs will need some sort of improvement (refurbishment/repair/replacement) over the next 1 - 3 years. This number is expected to increase with the passage of time, occasional damage, and the need for new signs. The 2021 budget for signs is $5,000 which allows for approximately 8 -12 improvements depending on specific costs/complexity.


Guiding Principle - Where possible, sign improvement will be made in kind...meaning that styles will remain consistent with the current styles of the neighborhood where the improvement is taking place. Efforts to increase consistency in signage styles will be made as financially feasible and aesthetically acceptable.


Priority - Although exceptions are possible, the general priorities for improvements are, as follows:


  • First Priority - Street identification signs (i.e. Royal Dornoch Circle or 88th St E) and missing/functionally damaged, critical safety/DOT type signs (i.e. missing Stop sign). 

  • Second Priority - Safety/DOT type signs that are faded/cosmetically damaged in ways that do not affect function and non-critical safety/DOT signs (i.e. slow down). 

  • Third Priority - All others, including minor cosmetic damage (especially to signposts), etc.


New Signs - Generally will be assessed individually and prioritized accordingly (i.e. dog park sign).


Recommended Annual Budget - Increase to $8k - $10K in future years to prevent "falling to far behind" on this key activity.




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