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The Community Standards and Practices Committee has replaced the Legal Committee


Community Standards and Practices Committee


Current Committee Chair and Board Liaison

Board Liaison    Brian Fischer

Chairman          Ed Mazer 



The Committee is commissioned by the board with defining community standards and with managing changes to the governing documents of the Rosedale Master Homeowners Association. This includes taking suggestions for improvements to governing documents such as CC&Rs and Bylaws from the community and the Board, identifying needed changes to our community standards, conducting outreach to the community to provide input and free and open discussion, and managing the change process.  The Committee will attempt to start the process early enough to allow adequate time for the community to review and provide feedback on any proposed changes by doing the following:



  1. Identifying the needs for clarifying community standards, which may require amending of governing documents, and reporting them to the Board. 

  2. Researching possible solutions from our community, other communities, experts, lawyers, Google and other resources.

  3. Preparing proposed solutions with the assistance of legal counsel.

  4. Distributing/communicating proposed changes to all residents along with the Board’s reasoning as to why they have considered and recommended the passage of these proposed changes, and how they feel that they affect and benefit the community; and invite community feedback.

  5.  Providing forums using such tools as Zoom meetings, surveys, town hall meetings and Website resources for the purpose of providing a venue for the Board to explain the changes or clarifications; and provide opportunity for multiple viewpoints from residents, all with the objective of engaging in a full and open discussion of the merits of proposed changes so that the members can make an informed decision.

  6. Reviewing and modifying the proposed changes based on community input.

  7. Coordinate with the RMHOA Board to: have the Association attorney review, and draft the amendments, for the community vote, ensuring that they meet the requirements of Florida Statute 720.

  8. If changes to governing documents are called for, then managing the voting process by: ensuring the final revision of the amendments are mailed to the residents no less than 14 days prior to the annual or special meeting called for such purpose and making the results public. 


Number of Committee Members

The Community Standards Committee shall have at least four members, and no more than six. Members of this committee are appointed for one-year terms but can serve multiple terms.  This committee will likely have several board members serving as committee members, but at no time may have more than 3 board members.


Committee Chair

The Board appoints each committee chair, who may be a Board member.  The chair and other members will recruit and select other members for the committee and present them for Board approval at the Board meetings. Because of the importance of this committee, stand-by members may be identified and presented to the board as potential committee members.


Funding the Committee

Working with the Board Treasurer, this committee shall recommend a budget for its planned activities. In the event of an emergency requiring additional funds, the RMHA Board president or vice president can approve the necessary funds. 


Relationship to the Board

This committee, like all other committees, serves as an advisor to the Board. Committees make written recommendations to the Board, which may accept or reject them. The committee will deliver a written report at regular Board meetings; the report is submitted to the Board for review at least five days before the appropriate Board meeting. Nothing in the committee charters prevents the Board from exercising its statutory duty to maintain, repair or replace the common property of the Association as the Board deems necessary.


Committee Meeting Schedules

This committee does not have authority to spend money or undertake projects without Board approval, so their meetings do not have to be posted. However, interested homeowners may contact the committee chair or the Board liaison to learn when its meetings will be held. Unless legal or personnel matters are to be discussed, homeowners may attend the meetings.  Meetings will be held monthly.




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